Earth First

SanRe Organic Skinfood is not only committed to your natural beauty and well-being through Pure Products, but is also strongly committed to protecting planet Earth! SanRe is a small family-owned, independent manufacturer of organic skincare products. Our products are manufactured, packaged and advertised using a combination of the following renewable/recyclable resources, wind energy and earth-friendly practices:


Small Organic Production Batches

  • Ensuring freshness, purity and less waste.

Very Limited Production Heating

  • To not break-down vital, beneficial ingredient properties and to conserve energy.


  • Green Glass Bottles: protects the pure products from light induced break-down, FULLY recyclable and non-leaching.
  • Reuse/recycling of shipment boxes and packing materials.


  • Soy Based Inks: limits chemical exposure to consumers and Earth
  • Paper: Recycled Paper- post consumer, RRR and limits cutting of precious trees

Energy - Solar, Hydro, Natural Gas & Nuclear Power via TVA 

Organic/FreeTrade Suppliers

A linked, global community is vital to ensuring protections for the Planet, and to ensure that all employees should work in a fair, safe and non-discriminatory environment.

Organic/Earth Friendly Ingredients

Minimizes chemicals and harmful farming or production practices that harm mother earth. SanRe also chooses to not use ingredients, such as Palm Oil, which cause deforestation or degradation of the environment.

Affiliates & Partners